This is my first blog ever, and I guess I have a long learning road ahead of me... I will be moving to Paris (France) very soon, for both professional and personal reasons, and I'm incredibly excited. Although this is a decision that hasn't been taken lightly, and therefore I'm truly convinced of what I'm doing, there's always this feeling of... uncertainty.
In a few days I will leave my wonderful city, Barcelona (Spain), and go to another wonderful city that I already know very well. The goal of this blog is to share my thoughts as a foreigner in France, and I guess that sometimes I will also share my opinions for other subjects, including my favorite one: life. This will be an anonymous blog, and not a private diary of my new life.
I don't know when or if I will have time to post again before I go. In any case, I will soon be writing from the Ville Lumière, and I can't wait...
Dolça Catalunya, / pàtria del meu cor, / quan de tu s'allunya / d'enyorança es mor!
Uncertainty is always there, even though we are only aware of it at crossroads. I hope you'll have a great time in Paris. And do keep us updated.