November 3, 2009

Last days in Barcelona

Here I am, once again, writing from Barcelona for the last time. These last days have been really hectic. Moving has never been easy, but when you have to go from one country to another it becomes a titanic effort, because you can't be taking care of everything at the same time... First you have to close one country (in this case, Spain), then open up the second one (France).

Thank God I speak French...

With that said, I have 18 boxes waiting to be moved. I found a great company,, who will do it for me, from door to door. The price is amazing, and once the service is done I will let you know how it went. I hope they meet my expectations, because I’m putting my whole life in their hands...

A few days ago I organized a goodbye party. It’s great to be surrounded by people that you like, enjoying some time together, remembering good old times… At the same time, it’s inevitable to think about what and who are you leaving behind. In the picture there are some of the gifts that I received during that evening, some of them before my party. I didn’t expect any gift, so I was incredibly happy. And I know that all the gifts I got from different people that evening were offered from the bottom of their hearts. And I have accepted them from the bottom of my heart as well!

It’s a great feeling to know, one way or another, that some people will remember you once you are gone. I will remember many people too, that’s for sure.

People ask me how I feel… When I started this project I felt very happy, then it changed to stress, huge stress, and now I’m super tired. Before the end of the week though I will see the Eiffel tower again… And I’ll smile.

Dolça Catalunya,

pàtria del meu cor,

quan de tu s'allunya

d'enyorança es mor.

Hermosa vall, bressol de ma infantesa,

blanc Pirineu,

marges i rius, ermita al cel suspesa,

per sempre adéu!

Arpes del bosc, pinsans i caderneres,

cantau, cantau,

jo dic plorant a boscos i riberes:


¿On trobaré tos sanitosos climes,

ton cel daurat?

Mes ai, mes ai! ¿on trobaré tes cimes,

bell Montserrat?

Enlloc veuré, ciutat de Barcelona,

ta hermosa Seu,

ni eixos turons, joiells de la corona

que et posà Déu.

Adéu, germans: adéu-siau, mon pare,

no us veuré més!

Oh! si al fossar on jau ma dolça mare,

jo el llit tingués!

Oh mariners, lo vent que me'n desterra

que em fa sofrir!

Estic malalt, mes ai! tornau-me a terra,

que hi vull morir!

(Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer)

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